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Economics Department

The department aims to provide an essential understanding of various issues of economy so as to enable students to comprehend and critically appraise the current problems of economy such as poverty, unemployment and income inequality. Students are encouraged to represent their thoughts and ideas for policy prescription to these issues. The department presents a niche to the students to develop the analytical skills needed to work successfully in today’s rapidly globalizing world and also to choose a career in Economics, Financial research, Banking, Marketing and Sales and Economic Journalism. The students are frequently made aware of the multifaceted possibilities of the subject by classroom discussions through seminars. The department motivates the students to clear CPT and provides specialization in the area of Micro and Macro Economics. The department also conducts technology enabled classes which encourages the Students to participate in seminars and presentations

Associations and Activities

‘Oikonomia’, the departmental association encourages students to participate in the activities of literary and cultural extension. The activities include student seminars, essay writing, guest lectures, quiz, alumni interaction and wall magazine.