Commerce Department

The Department of Commerce was established in the year 1966.
The aim of the department is not only to make students profound academically but also build their capabilities to achieve their full potentials. Many of the alumnies are well placed in the society as CA, company secretary, other academic positions and many of them are also working in the field of Banking, business and corporate sector. The department also conducts technology enabled classes which encourages the students to participate in seminars and presentations.

Associations and Activities

Guest lectures are organized regularly by the department on a wide range of topics to provide information about the latest trends in the field. Seminars are conducted to develop speaking skills of the students. Career guidance programs are held to inform the students about job opportunities. Olympiad exams are held to develop knowledge about commerce subjects to face competitive exams in future. ‘Vanika’, a wall magazine helps students to develop the habit of writing creative articles. CPT coaching classes are conducted to help the students to clear entry level exam for Chartered Accountancy Course.
